Florist Choice


The designers at Victoria Flowers take the most exceptional, seasonal stems of each day and craft a completely individual, hand-tied bouquet. Colours and stems will vary weekly, so it’s an exciting chance to order something rather spontaneous and gain the inside scoop on what has piqued our florists’ interests each week. How about a display of effortlessly divine Avalanche roses or some absolutely ravishing lilies? What might you receive by adding this option to your basket?

Part of our exquisite Hand Tied bouquet.

Add a customised ribbon around your bouquet… (+£2.50)

Add a special message…

The designers at Victoria Flowers take the most exceptional, seasonal stems of each day and craft a completely individual, hand-tied bouquet. Colours and stems will vary weekly, so it’s an exciting chance to order something rather spontaneous and gain the inside scoop on what has piqued our florists’ interests each week. How about a display of effortlessly divine Avalanche roses or some absolutely ravishing lilies? What might you receive by adding this option to your basket?

Part of our exquisite Hand Tied bouquet.

Florist Choice Selection

Elegant, Deluxe, Luxury


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