

Aimee is stylish and sophisticated, romantic and evocative. This hand-tied bouquet is full of character with its wide selection of florals and bursts of colour. Aimee has 6 of the best grown, red Naomi roses in the world,  beautiful spray roses, deep red mini gerbera’s and leucadendron. This bouquet embraces romantic red tones, yet still maintains its individuality with its diverse selection of colour and florals. Notice the earthy green tones present in the foliage, grasses and brassica.

Part of our exquisite hand tied bouquets.

Please note that it might be necessary to substitute ingredients depending on availability.

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Aimee is stylish and sophisticated, romantic and evocative. This hand-tied bouquet is full of character with its wide selection of florals and bursts of colour. Aimee has 6 of the best grown, red Naomi roses in the world,  beautiful spray roses, deep red mini gerbera’s and leucadendron. This bouquet embraces romantic red tones, yet still maintains its individuality with its diverse selection of colour and florals. Notice the earthy green tones present in the foliage, grasses and brassica.

Part of our exquisite hand tied bouquets.

Please note that it might be necessary to substitute ingredients depending on availability.


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