Luxury Flower Delivery to all Birmingham Postcodes

Elegant, Unique & Timeless

Lily Sheaf


Our classic hand-tied Lily sheaf is a popular tribute expressing sympathy and is the perfect way to deliver your message of condolences. Our floral experts create the sheaf using only the finest lily stems and seasonal foliage’s, complete with a satin bow. Available in a range of different colours and sizes.
The image represents our Luxury, White sheaf.

We require 4 days’ notice when ordering this product.

Bespoke designs can be tailored to your individual requirements. Please call us on (0121)822 8900 or email us at for customised orders.

Our classic hand-tied Lily sheaf is a popular tribute expressing sympathy and is the perfect way to deliver your message of condolences. Our floral experts create the sheaf using only the finest lily stems and seasonal foliage’s, complete with a satin bow. Available in a range of different colours and sizes.
The image represents our Luxury, White sheaf.

We require 4 days’ notice when ordering this product.

Bespoke designs can be tailored to your individual requirements. Please call us on (0121)822 8900 or email us at for customised orders.