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May’s Flower of the Month! Peony Bouquet in Birmingham!

May is a month where we see a wealth of seasonal flowers bursting through the ground to make their dazzling appearance amidst the warmer breezes and green shrubbery… Yet, there’s one flower that truly marks the month of May and that is the lustrous peony! Finally, these gorgeous peonies are for sale again. 

Since the season of the peony is short, it’s wise to take advantage of these flowers whilst you can.

Hurray! Peony Bouquets are for sale but let’s first explore some facts

  1. Peonies are sun worshippers. They need a minimum of 6 hours of full sun every day.
  2. In China, peonies were originally called Sho Yu, meaning ‘most beautiful’. 
  3. Lighter pink peonies are more fragrant than darker peonies.
  4. Peonies come in a wide range of colours, they’re very diverse.
  5. There are around 40 varieties of peony.

Peonies are a bright and glorious representation of the new life of spring and a wonderful way to anticipate summer, which is just on the horizon. 

Whilst not all peonies are fragrant, lighter coloured peonies have a scent similar to rose but they are just that little bit sweeter.

Out of all the peonies, here’s our favourite

You can’t go wrong with the Sarah Bernhardt peony. This double-flowered and romantically fragrant flower is named after a beloved French actress from the 19th century. 

The buds of the Sarah Bernhardt peony even look inviting, so it’s no wonder this variation of peony is one of the most cherished. 

Order your Peony Bouquet in Birmingham

Imagine walking into a room with delicate, fresh peonies. Either standing tall amongst themselves in a glass vase or mingling in an assorted design with other seasonal delights. Peonies are a marvelous way to mark the season and bring some of earth’s charm indoors. 

An intoxicating scent, as some describe it, is what peonies naturally diffuse into the air. So fill your atmosphere with the crisp scent of summer and order your peonies whilst they are still in bloom!

Our floral designers wanted to develop a collection that was a true representation of all that summer has to offer, with original designs that you can adore! (And be sure to look out for the pretty peonies!)

Just click here to browse our summer collection and book your delivery.

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